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Summit Themes

Get In Where You Fit In



The purpose of our summit is to expose individuals and groups to contemporary sustainable, intentional communities.  Whether you are here to sharpen your skill set in one of our themed areas or if you are looking to create a more definite plan for repatriation and/or sustainable development in your current country/state, you are in the right place!



  • Skills necessary to support or develop sustainable communities

  • How to establish an Intentional Community Living Plan (find the right circle of like-minded families/people, find the best location that is aligned with your future, and learn how to contribute to the community you join/create)

  • How to develop Sustainability Projects that serve the Black/Afrikan community

  • About various intentional communities and how you can contribute to their success

  • How to become self-sufficient in an urban or rural environment; adapt to your situation and provide for your family


Surv Community

OurStory (Historic Black Townships)

Contemporary Sustainable Black Communities

Self-Governance/Traditional Family Systems as a Government/Political System

Developing A Sustainable Community

Locating/Supporting Sustainable Communities

Natural Conception and Childbirth

Education/Child Rearing


Solar  – Radiant light and heat from the sun; current & evolving technologies.

Wind –  Windmills TO mechanical  generators and turbines

Biomass – Burning plant material, animal waste, wood and other organic matter. 

Hydropower – Power created from falling or fast-moving water 

Interpersonal - Energy created, exchanged and amplified by like-minds


Food Energy

Food sovereignty puts ownership of food systems into the hands of the communities themselves. It involves a sustainable, long-term process in which a community can establish its own food systems and produce its own local products without being subject to fluctuating international markets or dependent on external sources for the acquisition of seeds. Food sovereignty takes into account the cultural and social, political, geographical and environmental context of the community in order to develop an appropriate plan of action to address particular problems and needs.  Tune in to learn how to feed yourself, your family and your community.


Grow your own food

Urban vs rural gardening/farming

Types of Gardening/Food systems

Soil Health

Environmental justice centers around addressing environmental injustice, through education, advocacy and policy. The disproportionate  exposure of marginalized communities to harm from hazardous waste, resource extraction, and other land uses from which they do not receive benefits is rooted in institutionalized racism.

Learn about current policies that affect our communities

Advocate for change

Civic engagement

Grassroots/Frontline Solutions


Sustainable finance is the practice of creating economic and social value through financial models, products and markets that are sustainable over time. Tune in to learn how to make the most of your current finances.


Esusu Systems

Cooperatives - formal & informal

Money systems – alternative currency


Investing - domestically and abroad

Water, apart from shelter, is the most immediate need for survival. Drinkable water is a vital resource as we can live approx. three (3) days without water. Tune in to find a way to create and maintain a source of clean drinking water for both short- and long-term preparedness.


Water catchment & storage

Green Infrastructure

Water purification

Waste and repurposing

Health Shelter

Physical, mental and spiritual health are vital components of community development. If the individuals in the community are ill, the community is unhealthy. Tune in to regain balance internally and externally as a collective and as an individual. 


Cleansing Ourselves

Internal Health: The Science of Food

Meditation, Energy, MA'AT

Herbology and First Aid Tinctures

Look to your environment for current local resources to build. An overview of possible materials (recycled, sustainably harvested, organically grown, etc.). Tune in to learn how to create, build or upgrade your current space.

Vernacular Architecture

Natural Building Materials

Dif Types of Shelters


Building vs Purchasing

Alternative Energy


Survival Basics

Modern preparedness

Climate/Disaster Preparedness

Food storing systems

Off-grid technology

Community preparedness

Reactive vs Proactive: Strategic responses and proactive approaches

Disposal systems

Permaculture Principal of zero waste



Transportation – Biodiesel

Salvage Economy/Upcycling


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